Mobile Viewer is included with the Master System. Mobile Viewer is a free mobile app that you can download and use to access and watch Logitech Alert cameras.

The Mobile Viewer features are set based on the user’s login and authentication. If you have NOT purchased the subscription Remote Commander bundle, then the Mobile Viewer is limited to watching live views from your cameras. If you have purchased the subscription Remote Commander bundle, you have the full experience Mobile Commander app, which gives you functionality to watch live camera viewing, playing back recorded video events, and controlling Alerts.


List of features for free Mobile Viewer


1. Auto login upon return

2. Live view (single or multiple sites)

Camera list with status icons (Alerts on / Camera Offline)

1. Watch Live video from camera

2. Continue / Done

3. Return to Camera list (Live) from video page


1. Logout

2. About (shows version, copyright, license, and links to Terms of Use and Privacy)


1. List of topic

2. Detail for topic

Mobile Viewer overview