If you are not receiving alert emails from the  Commander, it may be due to your email service blocking the emails because it considers them to be spam. Locate and open the SPAM folder (or Junk E-Mail, Bulk, or a similar name), if you feel that our emails are being blocked.

Note: If our alert emails are not appearing in these locations, contact your provider to troubleshoot further.

We’ve included instructions for some of the more popular email systems.  These instructions assist you with unblocking alert emails.

Unfortunately, these instructions do not cover every email service.  If your email provider is not listed below, google your mail service on an Internet browser and locate spam options in the Help or Options documentation on the email provider’s website.


AOL places SPAM and junk mail automatically in the “SPAM” folder.

If Commander’s alert messages get placed in the SPAM folder, you can move them to the Inbox by clicking on the checkbox next to the alert message, and then clicking on the “This is Not Spam” button at the top of the message list.

EarthLink Total Access and Web Mail

Both Total Access and Web Mail use EarthLink’s spamBlocker tool.  When this is activated, spam email is placed in either the “Known Spam” or “Suspect Email” folders.

If Commander’s alert messages get placed in either of these folders, they can be easily accepted as non-spam by opening either folder, clicking in the checkbox next to the alert message, and going to the Checked Items dropdown field and selecting the option “Move to Inbox & Add Contact.”

EarthLink 5.0

EarthLink has two spam filter options available for 5.0– Standard Spam Sentry Junk Mail Filter and Aggressive Spam Sentry Junk Mail Filter.

With Standard Spam Sentry Junk Mail Filter activated, EarthLink places SPAM in the “Junk Mail” folder.

If Commander’s alert messages are not displaying in the Inbox, check the “Junk Mail” folder.  To get alert messages to display in the Inbox, add the outgoing mail server name (i.e. smtp.com) to your Address Book.

If you are not receiving any alert messages, and you don’t see a Junk Mail folder, your spam filter may be set to “Aggressive Spam Sentry Junk Mail Filter.”  Any mail sent to you that is not from email addresses in your address book is immediately destroyed.  You won’t ever know the mail was sent to you.


Eudora places SPAM in the “Junk” folder.   They call their filtering feature “Spamwatch.”

To tell Eudora not to send Commander alert mail to the Junk folder, highlight the message found in the Junk folder, and choose “Not Junk” from the Message menu.  In time, Eudora will learn that these alert messages are not junk and will not place them in the Junk mailbox.


Gmail places SPAM in the “Spam” folder.  All SPAM is automatically sent to the Spam folder, where it is automatically deleted after 30 days.

If an alert message is found in the Spam folder, click in the checkbox for the alert email and click the “Not Spam” button along the top of the spam list. You can also open the alert message and click the “Not Spam” button at the top of the message. Unmarking messages moves them to your inbox.

To prevent Commander alert email from being marked as spam, add the outgoing mail server name (i.e., smtp.com) as a Contact.  

In the Contacts list, click Add Contact. Gmail always delivers messages from your contacts.


Hotmail places SPAM in the “Junk” folder.  Spam filtering is automatic. All spam-possible email is automatically sent to the Junk E-Mail folder, where it is automatically deleted after 5 days.

To set Hotmail so that it sends Commander alert mail to the Inbox folder in the future, you can complete one of these two tasks:

1. Click Options > Mail and Junk e-mail > Allowed and Blocked Senders > Allowed Senders.  In the field “Sender or domain to allow:”, type the outgoing mail server name (i.e., smtp.com).
2. Open the Junk folder and open one of the Commander alert emails.  Click on the option “Allow Sender.”

Microsoft Outlook 2003

Outlook does not have built-in SPAM control, but it can automatically block messages from appearing from specific addresses by adding these addresses to its “Junk Senders” list.

To Unblock Commander alert messages or to add a sender to your Safe Senders List, right-click on an alert message.  Click Add Sender to Safe Senders List.

Microsoft Outlook Express 6

Outlook Express 6 does not have built-in SPAM control, but it can automatically block messages from appearing from specific addresses. To Unblock Commander alert messages, choose Tools > Message Rules > Blocked Senders List.

Scroll through the list that appears and highlight the address representing the Logitech Alert Commander (e.g. smtp.logitech.com or smtp.alert.com).  Then, click the Remove button, then OK.

Mozilla Thunderbird 1.5

Mozilla Thunderbird places SPAM in the “Junk Mail” folder.

To tell Thunderbird to not send Commander alert mail messages to the Junk folder in the future, highlight the Commander alert email and click the “Not Junk” button in the toolbar. You can also use the keyboard keys [Ctrl] + J or choose “Mark As Not Junk” from the Message menu.

If Thunderbird continues to consider messages from Commander to be Junk Mail, add the outgoing mail server name (i.e., smtp.com) to the Address Book.  

By default, addresses in the Address Book are not considered Junk Mail.

Opera M2

Opera M2 places SPAM in the “Spam” folder.  To access email messages in this view, toggle the Hotlist by pressing F4, and double-click on “Spam.”

To get a Commander alert message out of this folder, right-click on the alert message and then select the “Not Spam” option.  You can also highlight the message and then select the “Not Spam” button (or highlight the message and press “A”). This will add the sender to your contacts list so future messages from that e-mail address will not be sent to the “Spam” folder.

Yahoo! Mail

Yahoo! Mail places SPAM in the “Bulk Mail” folder. Yahoo! uses a mail filtering system called SpamGuard, which is automatically activated. The Bulk Mail folder is generated when you receive your first message that appears to be spam.  Spam is automatically deleted after 30 days.

If a Commander alert message is placed in your Bulk Mail folder, click on the “Not Spam” button while viewing that message.

Turning Off Spam Blocking for Emails